Our Projects of interest                                Stonefire   Schooldownunder                            Computeabull  Simsystems.co.nz

Command & Control centre. IcT, Voice, Radio and Remote system administration.






secure connections only                           tracking activation initiated

Auckland rescue helicopter BK117 simulator - started November 2002

Auckland rescue helicopter BK117 simulator - 2007


Massey Aviation Diamond DA40, full motion simulator. 


Managed Business Digital Data Solutions


helpdesk@mbdds.co.nz 021 139 3924

Computer support  7 Days.

Catch me if you can.

9am - 9pm...

021 139 3924...

Schooldownunder trainees here...

net stop wuauserv

We build and repair 


Custom micro computer systems ..

Atmel, PIC, Arm, Intel or AMD

Simulators. Command and Control workstations.


Networked Computers

Robotic unmanned vehicles

Secure wireless networks

Standalone firewalls and routers.

Media Players for HDMI throughput


We Fix  PCs  &  Electronic systems 


WANGANUI  MANAWATU   Bulls  Marton  Palmerston North  


Your Wireless Network, Flight Simulator or even

the Home theatre if its having problems.

Give us a Call.  021 139 3924.

24/7 system support available.



Is your Computer Secure                                    


                        are you at risk ?





Winz and the Justice dept (Oct 2012) failed to protect their public kiosks.

Poor network design and no professional IT overview

leaves a system vulnerable to un-authorised access of private data.

It would cost $10 / machine per month to minimise the risks of a data breach.

Ultra Fast RURAL broadband. 10Mhz+. fibre, 3G/4G

(our goal is to provide rural users with BB, 30GB data   for < $100/month)



Custom Wireless  C A M E R A  systems for RURAL locations.

(Remote server access with motion detection and real-time recording)


2 Way radio network connections. Hi power  vhf, uhf, 800 MHz trunking

(utilising standalone links & NEXT telecommunications Ltd repeaters)


3G tethering to your Samsung Galaxy or IPhone 4s

Wireless camera networks  linked to a monitoring service



Ring or Text  021 139 3924 

with your details and we'll discuss how we can assist you.

hourly rates -  from $40*

Trainees here...






Planned enhancements for the Next Generation of  Sim by "Simsystems.co.nz".

Glass cockpit Pilot trainee documentation and Virtual instrumentation .

Flight control replication enhancements. Yoke, rudder, Cyclic and Collective.

Brake feedback and flight surface replication.

Flap actuation and feedback mechanism.

Undercarriage status feedback.

Instruction workstation remote functions...   cb / fuse / component failure  instructor over-ride

circuit breaker replication



Other Projects?

What can we do for You?

Computer problems.  Hardware and Software. DR and network security.

Surveillance equipment, IP cameras($100+) and Camera Servers($350+) or lease at $25+gst/month/item

PC based Alarm systems...  customised to each clients current location

Command and control workstations for manned or unmanned Vehicle tracking and surveillance.

PC flight simulation consoles  and  VR systems integrated with real-time sensors.  (our target budgets <$150,000 max)


Youth training options  --    Enquire if electronics or aviation opportunities interest you.

Advanced Electronic training for Selected applicants.....   enquire and you might be pleasantly surprised.


GLASS Cockpit PFD, career exploratory devices.

Trial  student Demonstrator   ---   P U S H      N A V    or   H D G     B u t t o n   for test screens.



MBDDS Helpdesk phone - 021 139 3924. - 7 days

 Bulls. New Zealand.

SimSystems.co.nz   Elektronicsystemz.com     MSec





