< MBDDS  -  M anaged   B usiness   D igital    D ata   S olutions    Compute-a-Bull a sub-division of Elektronic Systemz.com a New Zealand based ICT consultancy business

Elektronicsystemz.com  1975 - 2000 - 2017

the timeline  --to--  mechatronics heaven

MBDDS.     Simsystems.co.nz.    Bulls.co.nz.  

slides  -  1975 - 2003

slides  -  2003 - 2012 - 2015 - 2016



Civil Aviation Department > Airways Corp

1975 - 2000

MBDDS / Elektronicsystemz

2000 - today

Ohakea ATC centre 1990 WestPac Rescue helicopter simulator  2004

enquire with Milton  on  021 139 3924


mrh ---  securitycameranz            MBDDS Cloud storage




Remote PC monitoring portal

teamviewer logmein vnc rdp



UAV & DOG - 2016 - 2017


Develop a long endurance Hybrid UAV

for research and development

as wide-area surveillance

for Homes , Farms , factories or other facilities.




2015  -  Project migration to trainees.



May 2015

- Force feedback joystick  design .  assist mechatronic conception.

- DA42 dual throttle project. Design upgrade to DA40 and install and commission

- DA42 Autopilot project. Design upgrade to DA40 and install and commission

- UAV  noise reduction project

- UAV battery endurance

- UAV 5GHz camera  FPV mod

T23 MJX Co-axial helicopter mod with twin wing-mounted engine nacelle

- V22 Osprey style




Carbon Fibre Blades

3D printing





Projects in development.

The Pods


The HeavyLifter


Aerodynamic structural mods to a UAV airframe to assist in noise reduction

propellor blades


custom pods


Application of  Radar MTD cancellation techniques in Audio frequency circuitry

Application of carrier cancellation techniques   in audio processing circuitry

Application of quadrature detection and signal tracking within the audio spectrum

Using pilot carriers to assist in tracking noise variations on UAVS.

Audio mixing and laser or other optical synchronisation of the audio spectrum emission during UAV operations.

Complex tracking filtering using hardware processing to reduce the computing power requirements pre transmission

to a ground-based audio mastering workstation .

an interesting single blade chopper project....


DA 42 project 2015

Savern and Dirk testing upgrades


2015 - DA42 configuration


2008 - 2010 commissioned at Milson Training centre

2013 , decommissioned to R&D Storage

2014 , re commissioned in Mechatronics lab at Massey


2014  -  No major projects under action


restoration of DA40 sim into Mechatronics Lab at Massey

Investigate rural wifi in King Country and Northland.

Agricultural GPS assisted automation device , training module  - Envizio


2013  -  No major projects under action


DA40 sim dismantle and into store at Massey

Family health first



2012 projects under action

Truck simulation,

Collate package for group transit company , maritime  CCTV and sensors

Control console, Remote access , wireless / real time images / emergency response

Supply Broadband Internet access to Rural locations

co-located with 800Mhz private Repeaters.

Evaluate Community 800Mhz safety channel for clients in Rural areas.

Investigate   backhaul access  via   NZ Digital strategy ,  Fibre to the door project 


Telecom-Vodafone-rural broadband proposal  86 % coverage -- RB1


UAVs, UGVs, UMVs, Surveillance


Training facility. Training infrastructure. Training, networking with NZQA , ITOs and Universities.

Simulation development and installation

Computer support services, onsite, small business tech setups, Network and wireless support.

Networking with "Group Transit Company"

Working with "Job creation" schemes and link with trainers.






Simulations, Control Centres & Electronic Systems support.



We aim to produce  LOW COST Flight simulation,  pilot training devices


Comprehensive training materials and Helpdesk support are an optional extra.


email :  simulation@mbdds.co.nz



Some pictures of where we've been..

and where we might be heading

--- future timeline ---

1975 - 2008  2008 - 2010  2011 - 2016

WestPac rescue helicopter

Helicopter Flight simulation

corporate bookings. Auckland.

Flight simulation.


Puke Ariki museum,

Ohakea museum 2004

tourism , entertainment

Standalone  or 200" projected

SchoolDownUnder - education


Massey Aviation

Pilot training , Aviation degrees.

Flight simulation.


info links

www.massey partnership-with-Air NZ




Current projects under action - 2012

1. Full motion simulation platform for the Massey University DA40 aircraft.

DA 40  2010  DONE !

DA40 twin engine

2012   R&D


2. Factory process automation and monitoring systems for small factory operations.

2011    various SMB 


3. Next Telecommunications Ltd....    Assist with Maxtrac and other RT issues

4.  UAV command and control  workstation,  for Simulation purposes....  2012


5. Vehicle Driving simulator.....  2012


6. Shipborne  remote surveillance   and  other  Security options.    2012

mrh ---  securitycameranz/




Picture gallery

05 June 2010

Cockpit setup and motion platform commissioning


DA40 glass cockpit


mockup in prep for motion platform installation.

CKAS  motion platform

Simulator PC    Intel I7 ,  6 GB RAM, 128MB SSD, 300GB sata,

Dual ATI Radeon 5970, Triple  37" LCD Main displays,

Dual boot  XP pro64,  Windows7 64.


Simulation    Garmin 1000   PFD   or   MFD


cockpit intercom and WAN communications interface

reference info Graphic advances  ATI  eyefinity



The JavaScript Source

PC performance test  .....                                   .....                           .....                            .....