MBDDS  -  M anaged   B usiness   D igital    D ata   S olutions    Compute-a-Bull a sub-division of Elektronic Systemz.com a New Zealand based ICT consultancy business

Elektronicsystemz.com  1975 - 2000 - 2017

the timeline  --to--  mechatronics heaven

MBDDS.     Simsystems.co.nz.    Bulls.co.nz.

slides  -  1975 - 2003

slides  -  2003 - 2012 - 2015 - 2016



Civil Aviation Department > Airways Corp

1975 - 2000

MBDDS / Elektronicsystemz

2000 - today

Savern and Dirk testing the DA42  simulator

enquire with Milton  on  021 139 3924





The JavaScript Source

PC performance test  .....                                   .....                           .....                            .....